Month: May 2021

Euler #6: Sum Square Difference

Students of math everywhere make this mistake. I know I’ve made it. Have you? You’d be a liar if you say no. The problem pokes gentle fun at this common error.

Euler #5: Smallest Multiple

“Base prime” is a nifty shortcut used here to calculate the least common multiple of a set of numbers. Imagine a giant Venn diagram of overlapping factors.

Euler #4: Largest Palindrome Product

Never odd or even. Oozy rat in a sanitary zoo. Taco cat. A nut for a jar of tuna. Palindromes are cool. Instead of palindromic sentences, how about palindromic numbers?

Time Trials

“Man alone measures the hour. Man alone chimes the hour.” – Mitch Albom. We ain’t got all day, so we want to know just how performant these algorithms are.

Euler #3: Largest Prime Factor

Composite numbers are sieved out, while prime numbers fall through. Check out this totally amateur implementation of the Sieve of Eratosthenes.

Euler #2: Even Fibonacci Numbers

The Fibonacci sequence pops up in surprising places, from rabbit breeding rates to sunflower seed arrangements. Some of its mysteries are unraveled herein.

Euler #1: Multiples of 3 and 5

Why code when you can sum? Although Project Euler aims to develop programming skills, their first problem doesn’t need it at all. Read more to find out how!