Euler #7: 10001st Prime

Is that bearded bald guy really Eratosthenes of Cyrene? Who knows? We do know that he devised the prototypical sieve of prime numbers, put to use here.

Euler #6: Sum Square Difference

Students of math everywhere make this mistake. I know I’ve made it. Have you? You’d be a liar if you say no. The problem pokes gentle fun at this common error.

Euler #5: Smallest Multiple

“Base prime” is a nifty shortcut used here to calculate the least common multiple of a set of numbers. Imagine a giant Venn diagram of overlapping factors.

Euler #4: Largest Palindrome Product

Never odd or even. Oozy rat in a sanitary zoo. Taco cat. A nut for a jar of tuna. Palindromes are cool. Instead of palindromic sentences, how about palindromic numbers?

Time Trials

“Man alone measures the hour. Man alone chimes the hour.” – Mitch Albom. We ain’t got all day, so we want to know just how performant these algorithms are.

Euler #3: Largest Prime Factor

Composite numbers are sieved out, while prime numbers fall through. Check out this totally amateur implementation of the Sieve of Eratosthenes.

Euler #2: Even Fibonacci Numbers

The Fibonacci sequence pops up in surprising places, from rabbit breeding rates to sunflower seed arrangements. Some of its mysteries are unraveled herein.

Euler #1: Multiples of 3 and 5

Why code when you can sum? Although Project Euler aims to develop programming skills, their first problem doesn’t need it at all. Read more to find out how!

Visualizing Collatz

Drawing Collatz trees of numbers arranged in concentric doubling rings reveals an onion. Will it cause tears of misery or joy?

Otisco Lake

My account of my circumnavigation of Otisco Lake by kayak, while beset by winds and waves. A great learning experience. 3 down, 8 to go.